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Apple Pay, Apple Card and Wallet are facing outages

موقع شبرون للتقنية وأخبار العالم- متابعات تقنية:

Apple’s financial services, including Apple Pay, Apple Cash, Apple Card and Wallet, have been experiencing service disruptions for some users since 6:15AM this morning, the company reports. As of 10:04AM Eastern, those services still have outage notices on Apple’s System Status page. As AppleInsider notes, it’s unclear how widespread the issues are, but the company has experienced intermittent Apple Pay issues earlier this year.

On a personal note, I was able to use Apple Pay without issue around 9AM to make a pick-up order at Starbucks. After launching in 2014, it took a while for Apple Pay (and other contactless payments options) to reach widespread support in the US. These days you can tap your phone or Apple Watch to pay at most major retailers (except for Home Depot, for some reason). Depending on how long this outage lasts, Apple may end up losing some consumer trust as they have to dig out their credit cards, or, God forbid, cash to grab their morning lattes.

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