مقالات التقنية
AI poisoning tool Nightshade received 250,000 downloads in 5 days
Nightshade, a new, free downloadable tool created by computer science researchers at the University of Chicago designed to be used…
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أخبار التقنية
The electronic noses designed to prevent food poisoning
Common types of potentially deadly foodborne bacteria are salmonella and E. Coli. Both of these have their own “electronic personality”,…
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منوعات تقنية
Woman Taking Supplements for Infertility Gets Lead Poisoning
موقع شبرون للتقنية والأخبار- متابعات تقنية: A Canadian woman’s attempt to treat her infertility went drastically wrong, her doctors say.…
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منوعات تقنية
Great, Climate Change Will Even Make Food Poisoning Worse
موقع شبرون للتقنية والأخبار- متابعات تقنية: Climate change will make stomach bugs an even bigger problem, a new report has…
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