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منوعات تقنية

The Best Gadgets of 2023

موقع شبرون للتقنية والأخبار- متابعات تقنية:

Photo: Kyle Barr / Gizmodo

Foldables really came into the spotlight in 2023. It was the first year that companies like Motorola and Google decided to deliver their own products to the still-infant foldable market, though with mixed results. Despite the domineering presence of Samsung, which released its fifth generation Galaxy Flips and Folds this year, OnePlus, with its OnePlus Open, turned the tables on every other company with good, old-fashioned, solid design. It all comes down to the smooth folding, unfolding action, and minimal internal screen crease.

The company’s Hasselblad camera array is big but takes some impressive pics. Plus, it was slightly cheaper than the other foldables at $1,700 base at release compared to the $1,800 you needed to fork over to Samsung and Google. Foldables still have some ways to go before they hit their prime, but OnePlus still managed to show up all the other companies on its first try. —Kyle Barr

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